Our stories
From 19th century steam engineering to today's pioneering A.I. research, the story of Stevens is shaped by scores of colorful characters and extraordinary demonstrations of ingenuity.

Hatching Attila the Duck
While Attila the Duck is well known as the Stevens mascot, few know the story of its origin.

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Stevens' First Woman Graduate
Lenore Schupak '74 was 16 when she enrolled at Stevens in 1971. Three years later, she became the first woman to receive an undergraduate degree from the university.

Women at Stevens: Breaking the Mold
The number of women at Stevens is steadily increasing, both in student enrollments and in the highest levels of the university’s teaching and research mission.

MKBHD's Tech Review Empire
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The Power of Stevens
The Power of Stevens campaign aims to propel the university forward, emphasizing student success, faculty excellence and a vibrant campus.

Hanlon Financial Systems Center
Sean Hanlon ’80 once said Stevens was “a $25 stock headed to $100.” He now says $500. One reason: the state-of-the-art financial analytics labs that bear his name.

Stevens' First African-American Graduate
In 1924, Randolph Montrose Smith became Stevens' first African-American graduate. He worked as a civil engineer for Manhattan's metropolitan subway system.